Friday, April 1, 2022

Dread Nation Review


Kudos to Dread Nation author Justina Ireland for creating an engaging alternate American history. Set during an interruption in the American civil war, rich white folks are training and employing former servants and slaves to defend them from zombies.

That's right, the country is under attack by zombies and their bites turn victims into zombies within hours. During the crisis there are still political leaders and clannish folks wanting to return the country back to an antebellum southern state, where white supremacy reigns as master throughout the land. 

Dread Nation has all the ingredients of southern plantation society trying desperately to hold onto bygone times, even at the risk of white lives and an apocalyptic country. Those in power making poor decisions, that endanger their communities, do so in the so-called "name of Jesus Christ." 

It took me at least a quarter of the book before I could buy in to the story and begin enjoying the ride. Once I did, everything about the story had an adventurous mystery feel with horrific zombies and bad men always threatening. And for perhaps the first time in a YA novel, I was sold on a female heroine who could outsmart and out maneuver enemies in all forms of combat.

I have to place Dread Nation in the Young-Adult genre, though its slivers of history are a welcome flavor for American history buffs. As for depicting a society of white masters and black servants, the author gives us much to reflect on, as well as a magnifying lens to help us understand what drives today's divide in American politics and culture.

Dread Nation was a good mix of ingredients producing a unique, flavorful dessert. You can choose to pick at what's missing, overdone or not enough added. But I found just sitting back anticipating tasting every teasing spoonful of vanilla, chocolate, raspberry, and apricot swirl, deliciously quenched my reader's appetite. 

Well Done, Justina. Well Done!

I will be picking up the sequel, "Deathless Divide" for a second helping.

:Dread Nation Fancast

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